Top 5 video trends to look forward to in 2018

Top 5 video trends to look forward to in 2018

This week Facebook announced changes to it’s company strategy and algorithm with the aim of helping people enjoy more meaningful social interactions on the platform. Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerburg was upfront about the impact on business;

“As we roll this out, you’ll see less public content like posts from businesses, brands, and media. And the public content you see more will be held to the same standard — it should encourage meaningful interactions between people.”

This leads to our number 1 video trend for 2018;

# 1 Video gets personal

If you want to continue to use Facebook to grow your business and communicate with your clients and target audience your videos must combine your product or service with personal stories. The content you upload should be engaging, start conversation, make people laugh, provoke a response. In short; it’s time to get creative and also time to go back to brand basics – think of your brand as a personality and share it as though you are sharing with friends.

# 2 Slow it down

Last Sunday night I found myself watching the television, completely mesmerised. I wasn’t alone. SBS presented “The Ghan”, a three hour, commercial free, often silent show tracking the progress of the train journey from Adelaide to Darwin. Known as Slow TV, this style of production was clearly a welcome change to our busy lives. The Ghan was the highest rated show on SBS in the last 12 months. We live in a visual culture and slow TV and video is the perfect medium to spark our visual senses.

# 3 The rise and rise of micro and macro influencers

Using influencers to spread our business message is not new territory however with the rise of social media and in particular the popularity of You Tube, Instagram Stories and more recently, Facebook Stories the potential reach of both the micro and macro influencer has soared. As too has their commercial success and the return on investment a business receives through engaging them. We trust peer reviews and we often view influencers as ‘one of us’ or someone we can relate to. We believe them when they say a product is good, we are entertained by their content, we stay around to hear and see what they have to share. The trend of sharing your video content, products and services with influencers will become an integral part of business marketing plans.

Who do we love? We are currently a little hooked on Peter McKinnon who has a You Tube following of over 1.5 million and has amassed over 71 million views of his content on photography, cinematography and the art of vlogging.

# 4 The necessity of live content

Not comfortable with getting in front of the camera? This year might be the time to seek out some professional help and to schedule in some practice sessions. Generating live video content, allowing people into the business office and behind the scenes is something you’ll see more of this year.

# 5 Drones are now ‘business as normal’

Thankfully Visual Culture was ahead of the curve on this one and reported it as trend in 2017 as well. (Read more here.) Your audience wants to see the birds eye view, sweeping landscapes, features only visible from above. Drones will become standard kit in the video production bag. Be warned though – filming with drones remains a specialised skill which is exactly why we recommend chatting to us if you plan to incorporate them in your next video.

Will you join us in this challenge in 2018?

Our team is super excited about these trends in 2018. We have accepted Mark Zuckerberg’s challenge and pledged to create video that is engaging, thought provoking, entertaining and allows your target audience to have more meaningful interactions with your brand, products and services. Will you join us in this challenge in 2018?


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