Since 1959 and with over 1,000 internal employees and 13,000 employees out working on client sites, the Chandler Macleod Group is one of the region’s largest employers – so they know what it takes to recruit, select and retain the best people. In fact, everything they do relates to unleashing potential in people and companies; from providing today’s career opportunities to planning, measuring and managing the workforces of tomorrow.
Chandler Macleod has a strong commitment to safety for all of it’s employees and contractors. Existing PPT training sessions via GoTo phone sessions are no longer effective and video was identified as an excellent training tool for employees and contractors to highlight the importance of OHS policies and procedures. The business has moved on from a compliance based approach, now there is a need to re enforce the “why” of safety. These videos need to be strong on message, with issues like risk assessment, incident investigation, safety observation/hazard identification covered. Imagery should include people conducting a process (like a risk assessment), missing
something important, then images of someone in the future being injured by that miss. Two video modules will be produced, the first aimed at CMG employees with a lower risk employees for decision making in risk assessment etc. Aimed specifically at the employees of the Chandler Macleod business rather than the businesses
they recruit for i.e. payroll staff, reception, office workers etc. The second video is an advanced module for OHS training aimed at a range of industries Chandler Macleod service, typically your blue collar workers.
We needed this video series to resonate to the CMG employees, so it was key showed their working environment and also their staff where possible. The delivery of the video was a combination of professional actors/presenters and key CMG staff. Certain scenarios were required to be filmed and it was important to showcase the diversity of the CMG workforce. The videos also needed to be quite generic, so it could relate to other CMG employees wherever they were located across the country. We spent 6 days filming in total, firstly in main Sydney office and then out on site at on of CMG’s main clients, a mining industrial services company located in Perth. Armed with the four scripts, our goal was to schedule our actors at the right times – all up over 30 minutes of finished content that all filmed out of sequence and then pieced back together in the edit suite.
“Chandler Macleod engaged Visual Culture to re shape the way employee induction and safety training was delivered. A close working relationship developed, resulting in fresh and engaging video modules delivered on time and on budget. These modules have a strong emphasis on the “why”, with training times for each module reduced from 30 minutes (previous structured phone based GoTo sessions) to 10 minutes online / on demand sessions. These modules have been well received by employees and offer flexibility while being both engaging and effective”. Quentin Hearn – Group Manager OHS