By Danielle Frazzetto

Video is key to providing a safe workplace

In many countries, as it is in Australia, there are legal bodies which monitor safety in the workplace. WorkSafe in Australia requires business owners by law to provide instruction and training, otherwise known as inductions, to existing workers as well as new employees. These instructions, which prevent injury, illness and death, are crucial for businesses. Through the video medium, these instructions are becoming better known in the public domain with both dramatic and humorous videos sharing health and safety, equal opportunity and harassment issues worldwide.

In Australia it is estimated that the toll of workplace deaths and accidents exceeds the national roll toll. Therefore it is very important that workers are not the only ones who take health and safety messages as well as educational videos seriously, but that business owners do also.

Appropriate video safety training can help prevent workplace accidents and issues, easing or preventing suffering to those effected and can also save the business a lot of money, as these incidents tend to halt productivity. The injured worker’s replacement will often require additional training and closer supervision. Insurance premiums can also increase and companies have become bankrupted by legal claims when defending themselves against alleged injury or death. This can also lead to damaged reputations and working morale of a company, its owners and workers.

There are many training areas where safety videos can be highly effective, these include:

  • Accidents and incidents
  • Hazard identification and risk management
  • Fire safety
  • Crisis management and emergency evacuation
  • Chemical safety
  • Manual handling
  • First aid
  • Machinery safety and
  • Outdoor working environments.
  • Slip, trips and falls
  • Working at heights
  • Alcohol and drugs
  • Bullying and violence
  • Stress related illness and
  • Working alone.
  • Here in Australia, the governing body Safe Work Australia’s aim is to teach employer’s about their legal responsibility to educate employees on all workplace safety standards and the hazards that their employees may face while on the job.

    Safe Work Australia’s training requirements support computer-based video training just as many other bodies do. Video can offer an education to employees in remote locations, providing an easy-going learning environment and avoid the possibility of employees becoming bored with the same safety training.

    Other reasons why businesses should turn to video training include:

  • Lack of time and resources for effective training
  • Ways to document and track progress and
  • Lowering trainer fees and travel costs.
  • Whether it is an emotional and dramatic video or an uplifting musical, be sure to provide effective video training to all of your employees so that they are safe enough to enjoy all the treasures life has to offer.

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