Safety training videos

Videos that educate and inform to keep people safe.

  • Demonstration videos
  • Online video interactive course
  • Animated explainer videos
  • Instructional videos
  • E-learning video modules
  • Case study safety video
  • Role play/scenario based training
  • Induction videos
  • Safety announcements

The benefits of safety training videos

  • Safety videos instruct staff members, contractors and visitors on correct safety practices and regulations, lowering the possibility of accidents and injuries at work.
  • By encouraging workers to be accountable for their own safety as well as the safety of their coworkers, they may contribute to fostering a culture of safety in the workplace.
  • Safety videos may be used to instruct new hires on crucial safety protocols, ensuring that they are aware of potential risks and are aware of how to keep safe.
  • Employees may review safety policies and procedures as required by using safety movies as a resource.
  • Use safety videos as a reminder tool, playing them before shift starts or at regular intervals to keep safety top of mind for employees.
  • Use as a part of new employee orientation and onboarding process to educate employees on important safety procedures and protocols.
  • To demonstrate proper use of equipment or tools, providing clear instructions and examples of how to use them safely.

How to use safety training videos 

Training can be expensive, however with video training aids you can stretch your investment. 

  • Build video into the employee induction and training process – particularly with remote staff
  • Make your online learning modules more interactive by including video components
  • Use video as a learning tool to demonstrate a procedure, technique or conversation

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Keep your team, customers and community safety aware

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