Pre-recorded event videos

Videos that enhance events - face-to-face or virtual.

  • Monthly/Quarterly/Annual updates
  • Business summits 
  • Virtual events
  • Awards ceremonies
  • Hype reels
  • Product launches
  • Conferences
  • Road-shows
  • Big-scale events

Pre-recorded event video production is the practice of filming, editing, and creating recordings of events without the restrictions of specific times, live audiences and creative limitations. This style of video production is often done to capture an event for posterity or future reference. The video may be used for a number of things, including marketing, teaching, archiving, and showcasing the event to people who couldn’t make it. The occasion might be a business meeting, concert, product launch, or charity function. Pre-recorded event video production entails employing professional cameras and audio equipment to record footage of the event, then editing the film to produce a polished and interesting end product. The whole watching experience can be improved by including titles, music, special effects, and other components.

The benefits of pre-recorded event videos

  • Provides a safe and accessible alternative to in-person events: Pre-recorded video gets around any COVID restrictions – and can even increase the reach of your audience. 
  • Less stress than live events: You don’t need to worry about the tech failing or presenters making a mistake. There’s always the chance to do another take.
  • Enhances the event experience: Unlike live streaming, we can incorporate additional video, dynamic graphics and animations, and other creative elements into the finished product.
  • Fast turnaround – filming to finished video could take as little as a week depending on length and complexity.
  • Future content: Your professional video is available to use again and again in future events – whether they be virtual or face-to-face.
  • Story videos – enables you to share stories or outcomes at a face-to-face event that you wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.

How to use pre-recorded event videos 

After broadcasting the event itself, you can:

  • Conduct a live Q+A session
  • Showcase your organisation and reach a larger audience by uploading the video to YouTube, Vimeo or social media
  • Create highlights for future event promotions
  • Archive content for future use
  • Use the footage for training and onboarding

What our clients love

“Fantastic to work with on delivering our usually in-person Awards of Excellence and Pool Safety Summit events in 2020 as online videos. They helped us develop the revised concepts for taking these events online, was flexible in adjusting the projects as COVID restrictions continued to change what we could do, and delivered high quality products that received great feedback from our members and stakeholders.”
Jennifer Arch – Communications manager, LIFE SAVING VICTORIA

That’s amazing! It has been incredibly busy and we squashed a lot of work into one week – we could not have pulled it off without you. So again, thank you!
Petra Heywood – Internal Communications Specialist, ASAHI BEVERAGES

We’ve produced pre-recorded event videos for clients like:

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Enhance viewer engagement for your next event

    Have a detailed production brief? Head to our production brief form below.